What Is Whiplash And Should You Sue The Other Motorist For The Injury?

Law Blog

Car accidents lead to various types of injuries that require months of recovery. In this case, whiplash is a common injury people have to deal with following an accident. It affects the neck tissues and the spinal vertebrae at the back of the neck. You should know that you can get whiplash when your vehicle stops suddenly due to the collision. Since your body is in motion, it jerks forward and backward, which is common when another vehicle rear-ends yours.

10 November 2022

Criminal Case Preparation: What Defendants Should Know

Law Blog

Being arrested for a criminal matter is serious. Being prepared for your case is important whether you are guilty of the charges or not. The things you do between the time you are released on bail and your day in court should be focused on a successful outcome. To help with that, read on. Get a Lawyer Speak to a criminal defense lawyer after you are out of jail. It takes time to prepare a case and your lawyer needs to do a lot of work investigating your charges and finding out what the state has in evidence against you.

13 October 2022

2 Instances When You Can Contest A Will

Law Blog

If you believe a will is invalid or doesn't accurately reflect the wishes of the person who created the will, you may be able to contest the will. However, will contests are notoriously difficult and often involve complex legal issues. As such, you should consult a trust attorney to establish if your reason for contesting a will is viable. Discover two valid grounds to contest a will. 1. Lack of Capacity

16 September 2022

What Is Compensation And How To Get It

Law Blog

If you have been hurt because of a careless driver, you may be entitled to compensation. When some car accident victims hear that phrase, they may wonder what it means. Many victims are owed money after an accident so read on to find out more. What Is Compensation? In simple terms, compensation is money. In many cases, the driver that caused the accident is insured. Their insurance is responsible for paying compensation to the other driver, who is also known as the victim in the case.

19 August 2022

Knee Injuries That Deserve Compensation After A Car Crash

Law Blog

Many people assume that one can only suffer severe injuries in a tragic accident. However, even seemingly minor crashes can cause serious bodily harm that might require comprehensive treatment and affect your working ability. For instance, many car crash victims usually sustain knee injuries. This injury might require hospitalization and specialized treatment depending on the accident's impact. Such a problem can make it challenging to perform normal duties, forcing you to quit your job.

21 July 2022

The Process Of Going Through A Civil Lawsuit

Law Blog

Are you planning to sue another person due to an issue outside of criminal laws? This could be a personal injury lawsuit, contract dispute, or some other matter unrelated to a crime. If this is the case, you'll be filing a civil lawsuit in court to receive compensation. Here is what you need to know about the process involved with a civil lawsuit.  Consultation The first step is to consult with a lawyer about your case.

24 June 2022

Do Custody Laws Favor The Mother?

Law Blog

When parents divorce, custody is bound to be a big issue. In some cases, the parents decide on custody themselves rather than having the family court judge make a ruling. However, custody can be a hot-button issue when the parents cannot agree on things. Read on and find out how the gender of a parent can affect child custody. Laws Have Changed Originally, child custody would almost always go to the mother when the issue arose.

25 May 2022