
Special Circumstances May Arise in Family Law

Law Blog

Family law can be a complex issue. There are many issues that can arise in the midst of a family law case. This can lead to a variety of special circumstances that could complicate matters in your case. You will want to make sure you are fully prepared for any special circumstances that may happen. Here's a few things that may warrant a special case. The Judge May Issue a Temporary Order

28 June 2021

Determining If Your Claim Should Be Pursued Individually Or As A Class Action

Law Blog

Both class action lawsuits and individual tort claims seek to provide compensation when an individual is physically or financially harmed by another individual or company. However, while these cases may share a common goal, the way they go about trying to reach this goal is much different. This is because class action lawsuits and tort cases have one key difference. This difference is the number of people who seek to collect compensation as a result of any settlement in the case.

27 May 2021

Things That Might Help Victims In Truck Accident Injury Cases

Law Blog

A truck accident injury case is special in that you're dealing with a commercial truck driver, not just a standard motorist. There are several factors that may have contributed to your accident that will actually help you win. Bad Weather Truck accidents happen a lot when the weather is bad. Drivers have to exercise a lot of caution during elements like rain and even high winds. Some truck drivers aren't able to safely handle their rig and end up hitting a nearby motorist.

20 April 2021

Have You Been Hurt? Two Reasons To Contact A Personal Injury Attorney

Law Blog

Being hurt at the hands of another person is rarely a pleasant occasion. The event can happen at any time and often seems to come out of nowhere. It could be as major as being t-boned by another car or as seemingly minor as taking a spill on a wet floor at your local grocery store. No matter how big or small the accident, what you do after the incident can make a huge difference in the final outcome.

25 March 2021

What You Should Know About Divorce Trials

Law Blog

When you choose to take your divorce to trial, you are making the decision to go in front of the judge and present your case. This can create some anxiety, as court can be quite intimidating. Are you going to have a divorce hearing in the future? These are some of the things you need to know about the process of divorce in the courts. The Judge Makes Decisions One difference between divorce trials and criminal trials is that divorce hearings are typically bench trials.

22 February 2021

How to Fight a Loitering Charge With a Criminal Defense Attorney

Law Blog

In most cases, you might assume that you can simply stand around in a particular area. However, depending on where you do this, standing around might be a crime, and you might be surprised when the police take you into custody. Regardless of how minor, you should always fight a crime such as loitering because it can remain on your record. Loitering and Disorderly Conduct If you are standing in a particular area, such as a business, you might be charged with disorderly conduct depending on the state in which you reside.

25 January 2021

Ways A Family Law Firm Can Help With Difficult Child Custody Divorces

Law Blog

Divorces are never easy situations and can be even more challenging when parents of a child struggle to find a custody situation that meets their needs. When this situation becomes very combative, both parents may find that a court may want to strip some of their rights as parents or take other steps to protect the child. As a result, a family law firm may be critical for this scenario.

18 December 2020

Three Signs That You Are A Victim Of Age Discrimination At Work

Law Blog

There are laws on the books that protect older workers from discrimination in employment because of their age. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 defines this age starting with your 40th birthday. This discrimination can be from hiring and firing, but equally important is what happens on the job. The following are a few signs that you may have been discriminated against due to your age at work.

23 October 2020

Why You Must Be Careful When Filing For Divorce

Law Blog

When you file for divorce, even the smallest mistake can have a large impact on your ability to reach a settlement. Therefore, you'll always want guidance from a divorce attorney to make sure that you don't make one of several common mistakes and so you will know how to talk to your soon-to-be ex-spouse. Not Making Sense of Your Taxes Your partner might be paying your taxes, but you will want to speak with your attorney if you will be filing for divorce.

23 October 2020

Two Ways to Get Your Home Back After a Tax Lien Sale

Law Blog

If you have lost your home due to unpaid taxes, you still have options available to get the house back, even after someone has bought it. Here are two avenues you can take to reclaim property lost in a tax lien sale. Pay off the Purchaser Even though the tax authorities sold your home to pay your tax debt, the law provides you with a way to recover it through a process called redemption.

24 September 2020